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Flow Request

This API endpoint allows you to run a specific flow within a project by sending a POST request with the required parameters.




The request body should be a JSON object with the following structure:

  • body (object, required): The input of the flow or The Schema of the StartNode
  • options (object, optional): The options for running the flow.
    • flow_session_id (string, optional): The ID of the flow session. If null a new session will be created. Pass the sessions id for Memory Nodes to track conversation history.
    • version (string, optional): The version of the flow see Releases
    • stream (string, optional): The type of streaming for the flow request. Possible values are "none" or "http"
    • override (object, optional): The override properties for the flow
    • evalOptions (object, optional): Options for running Evaluations
      • runMode (string, required): Possible values are "async", "block", or "skip". Default is "async"
        • skip: Evaluations are not run
        • block: The request waits until all Evaluations have run
        • async: Evals are run is a seperate job after the request has completed
      • runs (array, optional): What Evaluations to run. By default it will run Evaluations set to AutoRun
        • flowEvalId (string, required): The Flow ID of the Evaluation
        • flowEvalExternalInput (object, optional): The external input data for the flow evaluation Setup

Example Request

"options": {
"stream": "none"
"body": {
"text_input": "Hello"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY" -d '{
"options": {
"stream": "none"
"body": {
"text_input": "Hello"
}' "[account-id]/projects/[project-id]/flows/[flow-id]/run"


  • startTime (string): The timestamp when the Flow Request started.
  • id (string): The unique identifier for the Flow Request.
  • flow_id (string): The identifier of the flow that is being executed.
  • flow_session_id (string): The session identifier associated with the Flow Request.
  • body (object): The input data provided to the flow.
  • requestParams (object): Parameters used for the flow request.
    • stream (string): The type of streaming used for the flow request.
  • override (object): The Flow Properties used when executing the flow Flow Properties
  • status (string): The status of the Flow Request, e.g., 'complete' or 'error'
  • top_request_id (string): The top-level Flow Request ID
  • userMessage (object): The message from the user initiating the flow.
    • id (string): The identifier of the user message.
    • date (string): The timestamp of the user message.
    • role (string): The role of the message sender, typically 'user'.
    • content (string): The content of the user message.
  • flow_history_id (string): The flow history version
  • version (string): The release of the flow being executed Releases
  • response (object): The response generated by the Flow. End Node Schema
  • aiMessage (object): The message generated by the AI in response to the user's input.
    • id (string): The identifier of the AI message.
    • date (string): The timestamp of the AI message.
    • role (string): The role of the message sender, 'assistant'
    • steps (array): Calls to Agent Tools and their response
    • content (string): The content of the AI message.
  • eval_job_id (string): The identifier for the evaluation job associated with the flow.
  • endTime (string): The timestamp when the Flow Request ended.
  • duration (number): The duration of the Flow Request in milliseconds.
  • created (string): The timestamp when the Flow Request was created.

Example Response

"tags": [],
"startTime": "2024-04-26T21:13:33.678Z",
"id": "[flowrequest-id]",
"flow_id": "[flow-id]",
"flow_session_id": "[flow-session-id]",
"body": {
"question": "Hello"
"requestParams": {
"stream": "none",
"override": {
"botdojo/node/retriever/botdojo_0.indexId": "120501b0-e1f1-11ee-9df8-03f66a85a640",
"botdojo/node/language_model_function_0.languageModel": {
"model_id": "gpt-4",
"provider_id": "botdojo/integration/provider/openai"
"botdojo/node/language_model_function_0.temperature": 0.04
"status": "complete",
"top_request_id": "[flowrequest-id]",
"runOptions": {},
"userMessage": {
"id": "d6d170e1-0411-11ef-8d8b-371c51221d9a",
"date": "2024-04-26T21:13:33.678Z",
"role": "user",
"content": "Hello"
"flow_history_id": "afe2ae20-fcb6-11ee-bc50-0d9d5b5f1465",
"version": "0.0.0",
"response": {
"text": "Hello! How can I assist you today?\n\n-----\n"
"aiMessage": {
"id": "d8bffa70-0411-11ef-8d8b-371c51221d9a",
"date": "2024-04-26T21:13:36.919Z",
"role": "assistant",
"steps": [],
"content": "Hello! How can I assist you today?\n\n-----\n"
"eval_job_id": "d8c02180-0411-11ef-8d8b-371c51221d9a",
"endTime": "2024-04-26T21:13:37.494Z",
"duration": 3816,
"created": "2024-04-26T21:13:37.496Z",
"owner_uid": "[user-id]",
"modified": "2024-04-26T21:13:37.497Z",
"account_id": "[account-id]",
"modified_uid": "[user-id]",
"project_id": "[project-id]"

Error Responses

  • 400 Bad Request: The request is invalid or missing required parameters.
  • 401 Unauthorized: The provided API key is invalid or missing.
  • 404 Not Found: The specified account, project, or flow does not exist.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred during the Flow Request.