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History & Releases

BotDojo's Flow Designer automatically saves every modification you make to your flow, ensuring that you can easily revert to an earlier version if needed. This feature provides a safety net, allowing you to experiment and make changes without the fear of losing your work.

To access the version history, simply click on the "History" icon in the Flow Designer's navigation menu. This will open the History view, where you can browse through all the saved versions of your flow.

When you click on a specific version in the History view, you'll be presented with a visual representation of the flow at that point in time. This allows you to see how your flow has evolved over the course of development. Additionally, you can compare the selected version with previous versions, highlighting the differences in the flow's internals. This comparison feature is particularly useful when collaborating with others or tracking down changes that may have introduced issues.

If you find that an older version of your flow better suits your needs, you can easily revert to that version by clicking the "Revert" button. This action will restore the selected version, discarding any changes made after that point.

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When it comes to deploying your flow to production, it's considered best practice to create releases. Releases allow you to have one version of your flow running in production while you continue to iterate and make changes in the Flow Designer.

Flow Versioning and Release Management

By default, when you call a flow via the API and don't specify a version, then the "default" version of the flow is used. If no releases have been created, the "default" version is always the latest version of the flow.

When interacting with the Flow API or integrating flows into applications, it's crucial to understand how versions and releases are managed. Below is a table that outlines how the flow version is determined based on the specified conditions:

ConditionVersion Used
Not SpecifiedLatest version of the flow
'latest'Latest version of the flow
'default''default' version if set, otherwise latest version
Release AliasVersion associated with the specified alias
Version (x.x.x)Specific version x.x.x

When creating a release, you can specify a major, minor, and patch version number. If the "default" option is checked when you publish a release, the new version will become the default version that is used when the flow is called via the API.

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It's important to note that when linking flows together, such as when using Agent Tools or Flow Nodes (where one flow is used as a node in another flow), you can specify the version of the referenced flow. If you don't select "latest," you'll need to manually update the version in the node properties of the referencing flow to incorporate any changes made to the referenced flow. This is a consideration to keep in mind when working with releases and inter-flow dependencies.

In addition to the default version, you can create custom branches for test environments or to conduct A/B testing between different versions of your flow.