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Get Embeddings Node

Calculates embeddings for the provided text input.


LabelPropertyTypeDescriptionDefault ValueIs Required
Text InputtextInputbotdojo/types/stringInput text to generate embeddings for.null


LabelPropertyTypeDescriptionDefault ValueIs Required
Embedding Model ConfigurationembeddingModelConfigbotdojo/types/embedding_modelConfigure the embedding model and its dimensions.Object


LabelPropertyTypeDescriptionDefault Value
Embedding OutputembeddingOutputbotdojo/types/arrayThe resulting embedding vector for the input text.null

Get Embeddings Node

The Get Embeddings Node is designed to generate embeddings for a given text input using a specified embedding model. This functionality is essential for applications that require understanding and processing natural language data, such as text classification, sentiment analysis, or information retrieval.

How It Works

The node accepts text input. It retrieves the configured embedding model and computes the embedding for the input text. The generated embedding is outputted, which can be used in further processing or analysis.

Example Flow

Use Cases

Text Classification: By generating embeddings for text, you can feed the data into machine learning models for classification tasks. Sentiment Analysis: Understand the sentiment of a piece of text by analyzing its embedding. Information Retrieval: Enhance search functionalities by comparing embeddings of search queries with those of documents in a database.

Integrating this node into your flow enables advanced text analysis capabilities, leveraging the power of machine learning models to understand and process natural language data effectively.