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Properties Node

Lets you define your custom properties for a flow

Override Properties

Each property of a Flow can be overriden when invoked by the API or by running a Batch. This allows you to evaluate the results using different LLM models, prompts, etc without having to change the flow itself.
The Property Node is used add properties to a flow that are not defined in another node. A common use case would be error thresholds, or other configuration settings.

Below is the Context Recall evaluation that uses a Property Node to define an error_threshold property. This is then used to determin if the evaluation passes or fails.

::: warning The properties you defined are required for the Flow to run you must provide a default value otherwise the flow will not pass validation. :::

See Example of Properties#### Properties

LabelPropertyTypeDescriptionDefault ValueIs Required
Property SchemapropertySchemabotdojo/types/json_schemaObject