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Call SubflowCall a subflow
EndThe End Node is where the flow terminates and is where you define the output of your flow see Start and End Nodes. When branching logic you can have multiple End Nodes [see Branching]
End SubFlowLast node in the flow
Handlebars TemplateUses Handlebars to generate text output
IfBranch the flow based on a condition
LoopCall a subflow for each item in an array
PropertiesLets you define your custom properties for a flow
StartThe Start Node is the entry point in a Flow and is where you specify the input parameters to the Flow. A Flow can have only on Start Node.
Start SubFlowThis is link a function for the flow. It is the entry point for the subfunction aka 'subflow'.
Sticky NoteUsed to document the flow
SwitchBranch the flow based on a condition