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Security & Permissions

BotDojo provides a comprehensive security and permissions system to ensure that your AI applications and data are protected and accessible only to authorized users. This section will guide you through the process of inviting users to your BotDojo account and assigning them appropriate roles and permissions.

User Roles

BotDojo offers different user roles to control access and permissions within your account:

  • Account Administrator: Account Administrators have full control over the BotDojo account. They can manage users, assign roles, modify project settings, and access all features and data within the account. However, they cannot change billing information.

  • Account Owner: The Account Owner has the same permissions as an Account Administrator but with the additional ability to modify billing information for the account.

  • Project Administrator: Project Administrators have permissions limited to a specific project within the BotDojo account. They can modify Flows, Indexes, and other project-related settings. However, they cannot invite users or add / view integration api keys.

  • Chat Access:- Users with Chat Access can only use the BotDojo Chat API to interact with the AI applications. They can only see and access Flows assigned to their User Group

User Groups

When you need to restrict access to specific projects or grant chat-only access to users within your BotDojo account, you can create user groups. User Groups allow you to define granular access controls based on projects and permissions. To create a user group, follow these steps:

Navigate to the "Accounts" section in your BotDojo dashboard. Go to the "Team" tab and select "Group". Choose the type of access you want to grant to the group:

Project Access: Specify which projects the group members should have access to. Account Access: Specify which flows and projects the group members should have access to at the account level.

Assign users to the created group to grant them the specified access permissions.

Inviting Users

Account Administrators have the ability to invite new users to the BotDojo account. To invite a user, follow these steps:

Navigate to the "Accounts" section in your BotDojo dashboard. Go to the "Team" tab and select "Invite User". Enter the email address of the user you want to invite and select the appropriate role (Account Administrator, Project Administrator, or Chat Access). If you have created user groups, you can assign the user to a specific group to grant them the corresponding access permissions. Click "Send Invitation" to send an email invitation to the user with instructions on how to join your BotDojo account.