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Code Interpreter Canvas Node

A tool for build UIs in a sandboxed environment.


LabelPropertyTypeDescriptionDefault ValueIs Required
Attach All Files in SessionattachAllFilesInSessionbotdojo/types/booleanWhen true, all files uploaded in a session (for chat when a user attaches files) it will automatically be added to the code interpreter environmentnull
Attach Files to Code InterpreterattachFilesbotdojo/types/booleanWhen enabled, an optional "Files" input parameter will appear on the node. When provided, the files will be added to the code interpreter environmentnull
Tool NametoolNamebotdojo/types/stringdefault tool name: code_interpreternull
Tool DescriptiontoolDescriptionbotdojo/types/stringdefault tool description: Make sure you're passing in JSON with the "code" property containing the Python code. When you send a message containing Python code, it will be executed in a stateful Jupyter notebook environment. Python will respond with the output of the execution or time out after 120.0 seconds. Files can be read and saved in the /home/user/ directory.null
Notebook KeynotebookKeybotdojo/types/string(Optional) Key to store the notebook in the session statenull
Environment Variablesenvbotdojo/types/booleanWhen true, environment variables will be available to the code interpreternull


LabelPropertyTypeDescriptionDefault Value
Tool InstructionstoolInstructionsbotdojo/types/stringInstructions for the toolnull