Function Configuration | functionConfig | botdojo/types/kitchen_sink | | Object | |
Max Iterations | maxIterations | botdojo/types/number | | 10 | |
Warning Threshold Iteration | warningThresholdIteration | botdojo/types/number | | null | ✅ |
Warning Threshold Message | warningThresholdMessage | botdojo/types/string | When the number of iterations exceeds the warning threshold, the warning message will be passed as an assitant message to the LLM. | null | ✅ |
Disable Final Output Message | disableFinalOutputMessage | botdojo/types/boolean | If the agent has a JSON output (returns values other than a single text response), the agent must call the final_output tool to return the JSON. If the agent fails we will prompt the llm to return a JSON object. This will disable that final output message and result is an error. | false | ✅ |
Custom Final Output Message | customFinalOutputMessage | botdojo/types/string | Override the default final output message prompt. default : 'You must call the final_output tool to complete the response.' | null | ✅ |
Final Output Prompt Tries | finalOutputPromptTries | botdojo/types/number | Defaults to 3 | 3 | ✅ |
Use Parallel Tool Calling | useParallelToolCalling | botdojo/types/boolean | | true | |
Show steps | showStepsToUser | botdojo/types/boolean | | true | |
Hide Step Details | hideStepDetails | botdojo/types/boolean | | false | ✅ |
Tool Name | toolNameOverride | botdojo/types/string | | null | |
Tool Instructions | toolInstructionsOverride | botdojo/types/string | | null | |